1. All notes refer to Strawson’s “Freedom and Resentment,” in Free Will (edited by Gary Watson, Oxford ©1982), pp.59-80, as reprinted from Proceedings of the British Academy, vol. xlviii (©1962), pp.1-25.
2. Strawson, p.78.
3. Strawson, p.80.
4. Strawson identifies this tension, while recognizing that the Objective Attitude and the Normal Participatory Attitude are both available to us as persons: “Even in the same situation..., they are not altogether exclusive of each other; but they are, profoundly, opposed to each other.” p.66.
5. Strawson, p.80. (emphasis his)
6. It should be admitted that the positions attributed to the Pessimist and the Optimist by Strawson have been given a very cursory treatment here. For the sake space, I have referred to their respective concerns and approaches in extremely general language. What should remain most important, however, is the substantive response Strawson offers to the question of whether objective discourse (and the deterministic model of human behavior it entails) is compatible with normative discourse.