Monday Muse v.1 n.14
Response 1
January 11, 2000


Bombast was not only tolerated but expected in those days. A learned individual was one who had studied Greek, Latin, and oration. It's not completely hot air, but most of it is. The U.S. wanted Canada, or as much as we could 'liberate,' and we made the British Navy our unwitting tool as a pretext. But he couldn't come right out and say this...not would it have been entirely true.

[Steve R.]

Send comments and suggestions to David Robert Foss
© 2000 David Robert Foss

Message Author Date
Muse v.1 n.14 David Robert Foss 01/10/2000
Response 1 Steve R. 01/11/2000
Response 2 David Robert Foss 01/11/2000

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